Uniform Requirements
Marching Season:
Students will be responsible for wearing the following at every performance:
Black socks (provided by student).
Black Drill Master Shoes (ordered for your student at uniform fitting, available for $35/pair). (Shoe rental is available first come first serve for $5 per use).
Black Gloves (one pair provided free of charge at uniform fitting, replacements are available for $10/pair).
Uniform Pants, Jacket, Hat and Plume (provided for use free).
Band Shirt or Show Shirt as instructed by director (provided free of charge).
Additionally, student must meet the following guidelines:
Students must wear their band/show shirt under their jacket specified by the band director.
Students may wear warm wear or other under-clothing under their uniform, but not pants, shorts or other outer clothing.
All hair must be pinned up and tucked under the hat, off of the forehead and neck. This guideline applies to both boys and girls.
Students may not wear make-up or jewelry.
Uniforms will be laundered at regular intervals at no charge to the student. However, stains on the uniform caused by carelessness (such as food or grass stains) will be removed by the Band Parent Association, and a cleaning fee will be assessed to the student.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner when in uniform.
For both Marching and Concert season, students who do not follow the uniform requirements will have 6 points deducted from their grade. In extreme circumstances, students will be prohibited from performing and have 20 points deducted from their grade.
Marching Band Uniform Cleaning Instructions:
Contact the Band Parents to help clean uniforms!
Uniform Replacement Costs (coming soon)
Concert Season:
For several decades, we have had a concert season uniform of either a black concert dress or a tuxedo. We have decided to update this policy to allow for more flexibility and comfort for our students. Effective 2/22/22, the following guidelines apply to concert attire:
Students must be dressed in clothing that is entirely black. Please do not have white or any other color on your clothing or shoes.
You may wear your drillmasters if you would like. Otherwise, please wear black dress shoes (no athletic shoes).
Clothes should be "dressy" in nature. Examples include:
Black slacks, black dress, or black skirt with black leggings.
Black dress shirt, turtle neck, mock turtle neck, mandarin collar, sweater, or other dressier tops are all appropriate.
Please avoid denim, short-sleeved shirts (unless you are wearing a black sportcoat or other sleeved top).
You can also wear something more formal like a tie or sportcoat, but that is not required.
If you would like to check out tux pants, jacket or a black dress, please see Mr. Boyden or Mr. Sarns and we would be happy to help.
Have fun with this! Our hope is that you can wear something that makes you feel comfortable, looks great and projects how seriously we take our opportunity to perform for others.